TEM lamella
A TEM lamella is a very thin layer of material that is prepared for studying materials in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Lamellae, which are prepared in a FIB-SEM microscope instead of conventional grinding, usually have a thickness of only a few nanometers. The preparation of a TEM lamella is a complex and time-consuming process.
The preparation of a TEM lamella in a FIB-SEM microscope is mainly done by ion beam etching. A thin sample (lamella) is etched free from two sides, then a thin layer (usually platinum) is laid over the TEM lamella via FIB deposition, to which a manipulator needle is welded. When the needle is connected to the prepared TEM lamella, the sample to be examined in the TEM is completely removed from the original material and transported to another carrier by lift-out.